My sweet daughter LOVES horses. She has been fortunate enough to become involved with SPURS (Super People Using Riding Skills) at our local Girl Scout Camp. She goes up on weekends and helps younger girls learn to ride.
When I was her age, I was very involved at the GS sailing camp. I have tried to get Lauren to taste life on the water, but no such luck.
Anyhoo… about once a month, the two of us head to camp. She as a SPURS and me as Dorm Mom. It has been a lot of hard work for both of us, but also a lot of fun! It has also been great for our relationship.
For Christmas, she received a new riding helmet. I picked out an all white one so I could personalize it for Lauren with my Silhouette.
Lauren sat down with me and we designed it together. The zebra print worked well with the curves of the helmet, since I could cut away the wrinkles and it looked like part of the design.
I dare say Lauren has the coolest helmet in the barn!
Have a great weekend!
Love, Whyt
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